Friday, 12 October 2012

My Little Wingman

I'm digging my new hobby of blogging!  Sorry for those that may get bored with my day to day nonsense, and I must warn you in advance not much happened today except for a few funny and cute Tyler moments.  Here they are...

Our one task for the day was to head up to Hampstead to the flat to retrieve some packages that we had ordered from Amazon UK (one being a highchair - yay!).  I prepped for the journey as Tyler took his morning nap and made lunches for us to eat on the floor in Hampstead.  Then we woke up and we were off on our way to make the now familiar journey on the tube (subway) from the Bank station to Hampstead station.  While on the tube I had two big revelations:
1) I watched other "mums" navigate all the steps in the tube stations with a stroller and got some ideas to make our lives easier.  One of these is to back it out off the subway train when leaving and also back it up the steps.  Brilliant! A side note - British people are incredibly nice.  Each time I'm trying to carry Tyler in one arm and my stroller in the other and huff it down/up the steps in the station, someone asks me if I need help.  Every single time.  I have never taken anyone up on their offer since I figure the practice (and workout) is good for me, but I'm always appreciative of the sincere offers of help. 
2) Tyler is the best wing-man on earth.  The kid loves people.  When we are anywhere that people are around he will stare at them until they look at him and then he will shine the brightest smile you have ever seen.  People see him and smile and then they smile at me.  On the subway today I watched him and he was staring at a woman (usually it is a woman - he's already a ladies man) but she didn't notice him right away.  Then he started getting excited, looking a bit crazy, and kind of squeaking at her like "hey you, look at me, look at me, I WANT you to look at me..."  She looked over and then ensued a smile fest.   Usually then I get into a conversation with them about how old he is, etc.  I think he's going to be a great assistant at sparking up conversations with interesting people.

When we got to Hampstead I brought up all the packages and I fed Tyler some avocado.   While eating he proceeded to smash his face into the hardwood floor trying to climb up my knee.  This face smashing happens daily, the kid is crazy.  I need a padded room to just let him go nuts in.  Then it was naptime and I realized that I had made a very, very big mistake.  In my haste to get out the door today I forgot to bring the sleepsack and the sleep sheep to Hampstead - two things that are very important for my big boy to sleep.  So I tried to wing it and put him down without his beloved wearable blanket and ocean sounds and he was not having it.  Left without any other choice, I packed up and whisked him back on the subway to get back to our apartment here so he could nap properly in the laundry room with both his sleep sack and his sheep. 

That's it!  And now we are looking forward to a great weekend of sightseeing with JJ.  No pictures today although it was a lovely sunny day here in London!

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