We had back to back party nights as we celebrated Halloween on Oct 31 and then Guy Fawkes night with fireworks on Nov 1. We had fun but it also was a funny reminder that we are very far from home. For Halloween we were invited to a neighbor's party before trick or treating and Tyler had a blast. They had all sorts of toys, loud music, and lots of treats and cookies. Tyler really came out of his shell and enjoyed himself - he didn't even want to leave to go trick or treating but when he realized that everyone was coming with us he gave in and left. Trick or treating here was pretty funny. There were actually more trick or treaters in Hampstead than I expected but they definitely were not handing out full size candy bars like the good old Americans do. It was one measly piece per kid - see sad Halloween "loot" picture below. Tyler didn't really know what was going on but he liked to follow the little people around and he was up late so he was just happy to run around the streets after dark. Then the following night on Nov 1 we went to a kid friendly fireworks show for Guy Fawkes. There are basically fireworks shows every night for the first week in November. Now this year we finally know what is going on (last year we had to google what in the heck they were celebrating), so I sought out this kid friendly show that started at 5pm (most other shows start at 8 or later). We met JJ and our friends Nathan and Andrea there and we were quickly reminded that we weren't in the states anymore. Thousands of people were arriving to this small children's park and we were to surprised to see that they were setting off fireworks right in the middle of the park with thousands of people around in the middle of fall, with tons of leaves. OK the American in me got a little scared that someone would get hurt or that a fire would start but I guess the Brits know what they are doing and everything was OK (although I swear I was hit with firework "shrapnel" on my forehead - yes it may have been an acorn but whatever it was it broke the skin)! Tyler again didn't know what the heck was going on but after the very short (10 minute) show he kept saying, "More, more... more pop" so I think he liked it. Now we too will "remember, remember the 5th of November!"
This party is the best! This lady keeps walking around giving me cookies! |
Jump on this, I shall! |
You mean I have to leave that super cool party to do what? And what is the sand bucket for, Mom? All the other kids have pumpkin buckets?!?!?! |
Wait, what am I doing here? Is this another party? |
Ahhhh! Cookies! More cookies! There aren't any in this phone booth. I NEED more cookies! |
That was fun Mom, let's do it all again tomorrow! |
This is the Halloween "loot" aka the saddest display of candy you may have ever seen. This is all of it. Tyler couldn't really eat any of it. He made money though as you can see with the 50 pence piece. |
Fireworks! |
More fireworks in the enclosed area :) |
Mom, there is a time for pictures and this is not one of them! On a side note - don't you love JJ's longer hair! |
Exhaustion from the last two nights set in on the escalator on the tube |
Playing around at the community center this morning. |
Poor Tyler was sick for this photo but I still bought it. We go to these classical music concerts for kids and they have an amazing photographer who takes photos and posts them to purchase for only one pound. Hopefully for the next concert he will be feeling better! |
Decked out in his new rain gear, an essential in London. He loves his new fireman umbrella! |
You look beautiful, Em! Looks like no lasting effects from the shrapnel. :)