Wednesday, 2 July 2014

June 14 - 15: A weekend in Norfolk

I seem to be behind in blogging again.  Our computer is still under the weather but we are really hoping to resolve all of this by next week.  Here is the recap in pictures from our latest UK roadtrip to the north east coast a few weeks ago.
We drove up to Great Massingham in the county of Norfolk.  We stayed in a great little cottage there.  The owners were away for the weekend and asked us to feed their chickens.  Tyler loved feeding them and wanted to feed them all the time.

Ready chickens?  Here it comes!

Fascinated by watching them eat.  The owner left us their eggs to eat for a delicious breakfast.

Doing some "work"

The back of the cottage - it's attached to the owner's house

They had this pond with frogs and tadpoles.  It was fun to explain to Tyler how tadpoles turn into frogs.

I chose the location in Norfolk because of its proximity to Norfolk Lavender.  I love lavender and wanted to get to a lavender field before leaving Europe.  Tyler liked to watch all the bees.

The lavender was just starting to bloom so it wasn't super spectacular but smelled wonderful!
The grounds also had lots of shops - antiques, gifts and farm shop.  Tyler liked hanging out with these guys while I shopped.

They also had a great little animal farm and playground on the site.  This peacock was just roaming around.

A billy goat taking a break on a park bench!

Tyler had a chat with a baby goat.

They had lots of John Deere's just his size to ride around on.

And a zipline!

You could "milk" this cow....

Back at our cottage, the little town we stayed at was famous for all of their ducks.  These ducks were quite used to getting fed.  I don't think Tyler has ever been this close to ducks before!

The town sign with the iconic phone booth in the backgrund
The cottage was basically next door to The Dabbling Duck, the local pub where we went for dinner.

The inside of The Dabbling Duck

The ocean was a close drive so we went to Wells-next-the-Sea for a quick, chilly stop 

The beach was rocky which Tyler loved.  One of his favorite things to do is throw rocks in the water.

Beach huts!

Tyler didn't care that it was cold and starting to rain - he was having fun!!!
More beach fun

I took a rare opportunity to cuddle when he got cold....

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