Monday, 21 July 2014

The First of the Lasts

It's getting really real that we are leaving in just over 3 weeks.  Most of our "toddler & me" classes are finishing up this week for the summer and I'm getting a bit nostalgic about leaving London and also about how fast Tyler is growing up.  Finishing up our classes makes me remember starting the classes with Tyler and how young he was then and how far we've come.  We had our last swim class on Friday.  When we started, Tyler could barely walk and changing him in the locker room was so stressful for both of us.  I would have to carry him around since he couldn't walk confidently and all the floors were slippery.  He would cry through most of the changing of his clothes.  Now we are old pros at swim class.  Tyler walks by himself back to the locker room while wrapped up in his towel and he can practically change his clothes himself.  Today we had our last Debutots class.  It's a great class that encourages imaginative play.  Tyler absolutely loves it and I've seen his imagination grow at home I think partially due to the "stories" he acts out in class.  He loves the teacher and always gives her a big hug after class.  I think she was sad to see us go too and she held on a little extra long today.    I know we will get right into the swing of things in Chicago, but this week makes me a little sad to leave London.

Tyler and Daddy made delicious banana bread over the weekend.  Tyler likes to eat dry flour.  It's a gross and messy....

Tyler giving Jennifer a hug from Debutots.  He will miss this class SO much!  He was very proud to get his certificate of completion though! 

We took a walk in the Heath after class

The realtor who is renting out our flat took professional pictures to put on the website.   I copied them so we can have nice pictures of our home here.  This is the outside of our flat.  Notice all the trash built up in front.   No matter where we live, the people in the building always seem to have an issue properly throwing away their trash.  One of the many reasons we will be very excited to have our own home someday.

A wide angle lens was generous to our tiny kitchen in this picture :)

Our living room sans all of Tyler's toys that are usually strewn around

Other side to our living/dining room

Master bedroom

Guest room/train room

Tyler's tiny closet room!

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